Lifestyle, Taste, vegan
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Matcha Waffles

Oh, green food. The sign of health.

At least that’s what I told myself as I basked in the glory of these delicious matcha, or green tea, waffles. Sure there’s a bit lot of sugar hiding in those crannies, but green tea is ridiculously healthy. 

Green tea is what other health foods might call an overachiever. It’s considered a cancer-fighting, age-defying, heart-disease-battling cure-all, a star among the lentils and açaì berries. But matcha, a powdered version, makes even the other green teas look lazy. It’s the healthiest of them all—by a landslide.

Bon Appetit

The subtle hint of green tea mixed with maple syrup and strawberries was a breakfast delight. And that’s not all: they’re green! Green waffles! That’s a conversation piece if ever I battered and fried one. They would make a terrific centerpiece to a spring brunch table.

The recipe I used called for culinary grade  matcha tea. This is supposed to be less expensive but still delicious. I honestly have no idea what type I used, because I quickly bought it before I boarded my plane in the airport in Japan. (Yikes.) But, it worked so well for these waffles, so whatever I paid for it was worth it.

Make a beautiful batch this weekend! And if you haven’t been getting enough greens in your diet, I am pretty sure this counts! (Not a dietitian.)


Matcha Waffles 001

Matcha Waffles 002

Matcha Waffles 003Matcha Waffles 005
Matcha Waffles 007

Click here to print recipe!

Recipe adapted from: Oh, How Civilized

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